Please download your pattern(s) again to ensure you have the latest version.
While I take many steps to catch errors in my pattersns, they do slip through from time to time, and I add them here.
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Becket Pullover
From Study Hall Knits
Sizes 34-36 (42-44, 46-48) only: A couple of adjustments have been made to the beginning to make the side rib panels flow out of the bottom rib.
Cast on 208 (248, 272).
Next rnd (marker set up): Work 2/2 Rib for 18 (22, 22) sts (starting and ending with p2), pm, work in Rev St st on next 86 (102, 114) sts increasing 2 sts evenly aross, pm, work 2/2 Rib for 18 (22, 22) sts, pm, work in Rev St st over next 86 (102, 114) sts to end of rnd increasing 2 sts evenly across. The end of rnd is not the exact side of the sweater but just short of the right side on the back—212 (252, 276) sts.
Sleeves, All sizes: Use the measurements for starting the stripe sequence as written on page 3 (page 22 in booklet). Disregard the numbers in the schematic.
The Cross Section of the Yoke diagram doesn't seem to be in the final version. Here it is:

Boiseau Wrap
For versions downloaded before December 3, 2013. There is a mistake under Other Supplies. Under "Other Supplies" you do not require a spare needle for grafting; Boiseau is worked end to end in one piece.
Cartier Cowl Neck Sweater
In directions for Cowl, in paragraph after Row 10 (page 82 of Burnished book). It should say "...Then work Rows 1-8 once. Total of 198 (198, 208, 208, 218, 218, 228, 228, 228) rows worked in pat..."
The Prepare Cowl diagrams seem to be missing. Here they are:
For the Sleeve shaping, page 3 about halfway down the page, the pattern should read “…and at the same time work an INC row every/14 (10, 8,/8, 8, 6)th row 5 (7, 8, 9, 9, 11) times”.
Couplet Arm warmers
If you are doing the Couplet Arm Warmers in the Ombre effect, you will need two colours (not three), about 50 grams each.
First paragraph of Work Thumb Opening should read
Add 2 stitches to the end of the row by picking up and knitting 2 from the back of the beginning of the row.
Turn work, and work in Broken Rib (worked flat) to the end (starting and ending with purl 2).
Clairette Cardigan
October 8, 2012: New version uploaded with changes for the sleeves.
(page 2) Needle requirements: Dpn's are too awkward with the diagonal lace, so needle requirements now specify 1 circular for Magic Loop or 2 for Two-Circulars.
(page 4) Right and Left Diagonal (in the round): Changes added to Rows 6, 7, 10 and 11 to help cope with the marker placement.
March 28, 2013: On page 6, in the Yoke, before your final WS row, work 1 WS row, then 1 more Back Only Dec. Your stitch count will be 31 (35, 41, 45, 45, 51) back, 26 each front, 10 (12, 12, 12, 12, 12) each sleeve.
Cultivar Cardigan
March 2013: Page 4, Back shoulders and Neck. On last line of first column, knit 21 (25, 24, 25, 27, 28) stitches (including the 1 stitch left from the shoulder bind off) to the center decrease, not 27 (31, 31, 32, 34, 35).
Eyelet Triangular Shawl
On page 226, top of second column, it should say:
Work 20 more rows, working all WS rows as garter ridges.
(WS) Garter ridge: K2, p1, knit to 1 before marker etc.
Fifth Street Jacket
January 27, 2013: Page 4, Collar. The picked up stitches for the collar include the held stitches from the center back neck.
Page 3, Finishing. After joining the shoulder seams, sew the sleeve seams, ease the sleeve cap into the armhole and join.
Fledge Shawl
Written instructions for Row 13 of Fledge Band should end rep from ** until 7 sts rem, ssk, k2, yo, k3—4 sts inc’d.
Grenache Cardigan
A couple of mistakes in early editions. "Switch to larger needles" was missing after the Broken Rib. And the second "yo" was missing on Rows 5 & 9 of Grenache on page 3. Current download is corrected.
Helliwell Cardigan
Remember with Helliwell to read ahead; it's seamless and a lot of details are knit-in at the same time. Also, note that on the chart, the decreases that fall on the edges of the chart are handled differently at the beginning and end of row, as noted in the legend.
In the chart legend, the explanation for the asterisk should say at right edge of row, k2tog at left edge of row, ssk
Hollywell Cardigan
Please note the revised yarn requirements for Color A: because knitters are reporting running out, I would add at least 2 balls of A, making the requirements 7 (8, 8, 9, 9, 10) balls.
Old Orchard Vest
The gauge is for the larger needles.
On page 2, after working 6 rows of garter stitch, switch to larger needles.
Published in Creative Knitting January 2012
There is an error in the Tab Placement Row on page 34. (On this row, you mark 2 stitches at the side with removable markers or scrap yarn. These markers are guides for sewing on the decorative tab detail in the finishing.)
It should read Work across 43 (47, 52, 57, 61, 66) sts, mark st just knit with marker; k83 (91, 101, 111, 119, 129) sts...
Sherrington Vest, from Study Hall Knits
Shape Shoulders
It should say:
Next 2 rows: Bind off 7 (6, 7, 7, 8, 8) sts at each armhole edge. 0 sts each front, 34 (38, 42, 42, 44, 44) sts back.
On back, bind off remaining 34 (38, 42, 42, 44, 44) center sts for back neck.
On the front and upper back piece, end on Row 12 of the Cable and Seed pattern instead of Row 14, for symmetry
Thornfield Cardigan
October 2014: There is a small error in the Waist Detail section for the last 5 sizes. Please re-download for a corrected version.
Tricksy Tank
This is one of my earliest patterns, and my pattern writing has improved since! Here are two changes:
This is missing from the notes section: increase row (rs): K2, kfb, work until 3 sts remain, kfb, k2.
In the Waist Detail (back) section, I'm rewording this to avoid confusion: Rows 2 - 4: Work 3 more rows maintaining K1/P1 rib pattern.
Trifle Shawl
Row 194 of the written instructions: ignore the first asterisk. Repeat from the second asterisk. Pattern should read
Row 194: K4, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, k1, sl2- k1-p2sso, k1, yo, k3, yo, ssk, * k1, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, k1, sl2-k1-p2sso, k1, yo, k3, yo, ssk; rep from *, k3.