Learn to knit
Knitting Abbreviations
Here is a list of knitting abbreviations and instructions in common usage. Everyone seems to have a slight variation on the standard shorthand but this should cover most knitting abbreviations...
Knitting Abbreviations
Here is a list of knitting abbreviations and instructions in common usage. Everyone seems to have a slight variation on the standard shorthand but this should cover most knitting abbreviations...
Knitting Needle Conversion Chart
Knitting needle sizes vary from country to country. Our knitting needle conversion chart below will help you decide which needle sizes to use for any pattern regardless of its origin....
Knitting Needle Conversion Chart
Knitting needle sizes vary from country to country. Our knitting needle conversion chart below will help you decide which needle sizes to use for any pattern regardless of its origin....
Interweave Knits
The craft publisher Interweave creates several knitting magazines per year. Their primary knitting magazines are Interweave Knits and Knitscene, and they also publish special interest knitting editions, including Knits Accessories,...
Interweave Knits
The craft publisher Interweave creates several knitting magazines per year. Their primary knitting magazines are Interweave Knits and Knitscene, and they also publish special interest knitting editions, including Knits Accessories,...
Creative Knitting
Creative Knitting
Creative Knitting
Creative Knitting
Twist Collective
Twist Collective is an online knitting magazine, created to showcase the work of knitting designers and writers.
Twist Collective
Twist Collective is an online knitting magazine, created to showcase the work of knitting designers and writers.
Knitted Selvedges (or Selvages)
A selvedge or selvage is the very edge of knitted or woven fabric. In textiles, it is usually woven differently than the rest of the fabric to create a firm...
Knitted Selvedges (or Selvages)
A selvedge or selvage is the very edge of knitted or woven fabric. In textiles, it is usually woven differently than the rest of the fabric to create a firm...